These are the rules of conduct for the VIECC® Vienna Comic Con and the VCA® Vienna Challengers Arena:

VIECC® Vienna Comic Con and VCA® Vienna Challengers Arena are committed to ensuring the safety of their fans and visitors. This includes creating an atmosphere free of harassment or behavior deemed inappropriate for the family-friendly environment of the event. By attending the VIECC® or VCA®, all fans agree to respect and accept the event’s Code of Conduct below. The conduct policy is subject to change, and failure to comply with the conduct policy is grounds for expulsion from the event and future bans. It is at the sole discretion of VIECC® or VCA® personnel whether guidelines are followed. Furthermore, AEE (Austrian Exhibitions Experts) expects all visitors, exhibitors and other participants to comply with Austrian laws.


Austrian Exhibition Experts GmbH (AEE) as the organizer of VIECC® Vienna Comic Con and VCA® Vienna Challengers Arena has a ZERO-TOLERANCE POLICY towards harassment of any kind, including but not limited to:

  • Stalking
  • beleidigende verbale Äußerungen
  • belästigendes oder nicht-einvernehmliches Fotografieren oder Aufnehmen
  • Unerwünschte körperliche Zuwendung
  • Einschüchterung
  • Körperliche Angriffe und/oder Tätlichkeiten
  • Anhaltende Störung von Podiumsdiskussionen, Signierstunden und anderen Veranstaltungen
  • unangemessener Körperkontakt
  • unzüchtiges Verhalten

In Bezug auf, aber nicht beschränkt auf:

  • nationale Herkunft
  • Geschlechtsidentität
  • sexuelle Orientierung
  • Körpergröße
  • Aussehen
  • Staatsangehörigkeit
  • Hautfarbe
  • Geschlecht
  • Geschlechtszugehörigkeit
  • Alter
  • Beeinträchtigung
  • Religion
  • Schwangerschaft

If an individual engages in harassing behavior, VIECC® Vienna Comic Con and VCA® Vienna Challengers Arena staff will take immediate action in any form they deem appropriate, including expulsion from VIECC® Vienna Comic Con and VCA® Vienna Challengers Arena without refund. Our policy applies to EVERYONE at the convention. Exhibitors, fans (visitors), speakers, guests, professionals, press, staff, volunteers and security are all subject to our anti-harassment policy and will be treated to the same standards and disciplinary procedures.

Anyone can report harassment. If you feel uncomfortable by someone’s behavior or if you witness someone else being harassed, you shouldimmediately contact the VIECC® Vienna Comic Con andVCA®staff. Vienna Challengers Arena, the security team or a crew member nearby. You can also come to the VIECC® Vienna Comic Con and VCA® Vienna Challengers Arena information booth come to the foyer.

If necessary, we will contact local law enforcement, provide an escort, offer a safe location, or otherwise assist the person being harassed to feel safe for the remainder of VIECC® Vienna Comic Con and VCA® Vienna Challengers Arena.

Remember, cosplay is not consent. Keep your hands to yourself. If you want to take a photo with or of another visitor, always ask first and respect that person’s right to say no. When you’re at VIECC® Vienna Comic Con and VCA® Vienna Challengers Arena, be respectful, be nice, be cool, and be friendly to everyone.

Austrian Exhibition Expert (AEE) is committed to creating a fun, safe, welcoming, open and great event for fans of all types to come together and celebrate. Not only do we want you to have the greatest weekend ever, we want you to do it in an environment where you are safe and accepted. Being fans ourselves, we know how important it is to create a safe space for everyone attending VIECC® Vienna Comic Con and VCA® Vienna Challengers Arena.

ID control

Note that some panels offer content for ages 18 and up. Therefore, get your wristband at the ID checkpoint and instruct your age if necessary. An ID check is also required for certain ticket categories (children, youth), otherwise we will have to charge an amount equal to the value of an adult ticket.

Weapons Guidelines

All weapons must be inspected by VIECC® or VCA® staff upon entering the event. A weapons check station is located at the front entrance of the event. Any weapons deemed unsafe by VIECC® or VCA® security personnel will not be allowed into the event. If your firearm is not allowed on the exhibit floor, you may drop it off at the firearms check station at no charge and it will be returned to you when you leave the event.

Misuse of a prop weapon, such as brandishing it in a public area or endangering attendees, will result in the weapon or prop being deemed unsafe for the convention. If a weapon or prop is deemed unsafe for the event due to misuse, it must be removed.

The following items are prohibited in VIECC® and VCA®:

  • Funktionsfähige Feuerwaffen (einschließlich Luftdruckwaffen, Luftdruckpistolen, Schreckschusspistolen, Paintballwaffen, Airsoftwaffen und Pelletpistolen)
  • Elektrischen Strom abgebende Geräte (einschließlich Taser)
  • Akustische oder Licht abgebende Anti-Personen-Geräte
  • Laserpointer mit einer zugänglichen Emissionsgrenze von mehr als 1 mW
  • Realistisch nachgebildete Feuerwaffen (einschließlich nachgebildeter, gefälschter oder Spielzeugwaffen, die mit funktionalen Feuerwaffen verwechselt werden können)
  • Funktionsfähige Projektilwaffen (einschließlich Blasrohre, Armbrüste, Langbögen, Schnurwaffen, Schleudern, Wasserballons und Wasserpistolen)
  • Geschärfte Waffen mit Metallklingen (einschließlich Äxte, Dolche, Beile, Messer, Kunai, Shuriken, Schwerter, Schwertstöcke und Wechselklingen)
  • Sprengstoffe (einschließlich Feuerwerkskörper und Feuerwerkskörper)
  • Chemische Waffen (einschließlich Reizgas und Pfefferspray)
  • Stumpfe Waffen (einschließlich Schlagringe, Keulen, ausziehbare Schlagstöcke und Nunchaku)
  • Versteckte Waffen
  • Harte Waffen (einschließlich Requisiten aus Metall, Fiberglas und Glas)

Please note that VIECC® or VCA® personnel have sole authority to make decisions on any matter that they believe affects public safety or is important to protecting the integrity of the event.

Note: At VIECC® Vienna Comic Con and VCA® Vienna Challengers Arena, all props that at first glance resemble a real weapon (imitation) must be checked at the weapons checkpoint upon entry to the event and marked by VIECC® Vienna Comic Con and VCA® Vienna Challengers Arena staff.

Basically, you should use your best judgment and always ask a VIECC® Vienna Comic Con and VCA® Vienna Challengers Arena staff member for advice.

Costuming / Clothing

VIECC® Vienna Comic Con and VCA® Vienna Challengers Arena are family-friendly events, and as such, an appropriate level of dress is expected, including those wearing costumes.

Costumes or clothing must not be overly revealing, overtly sexual, or contain inappropriate imprints or other elements that would otherwise violate the Standards of Conduct. If clothing or costumes are deemed unacceptably revealing or otherwise inappropriate, the participant must change clothing or alter the costume so that it is deemed acceptable by staff.

We commit ourselves to comply with the legal regulations and actively inform our visitors that face veiling is allowed at the VIECC® Vienna Comic Con and the VCA® Vienna Challengers Arena as well as at the venue Messe Wien. However, they are not allowed during arrival and departure due to current legislation (except FFP2 masks).

VIECC® and VCA® reserve the right to ask any participant to remove their face covering, mask or headgear if necessary for identification purposes. Exceptions are made for headgear or other garments of a religious nature. In case of non-compliance, the participant will be excluded from the event.

Inappropriate symbols

Inappropriate symbols at VIECC® Vienna Comic Con and VCA® Vienna Challengers Arena will not be tolerated. Any symbols deemed unacceptable by show staff must be removed. Failure to comply with the regulations will result in exclusion from the event.

Participation is at your own risk

Participation in the VIECC® Vienna Comic Con and the VCA® Vienna Challengers Arena is entirely at your own risk. By attending VIECC® Vienna Comic Con and VCA® Vienna Challengers Arena you agree not to hold the organizer Austrian Exhibition Experts GmbH (AEE), its partners, subsidiaries or parent companies liable for any damage or inconvenience caused at any VIECC® Vienna Comic Con or VCA® Vienna Challengers Arena event.

Responsibilities in case of loss / theft

Austrian Exhibition Experts GmbH (AEE) is not liable for the loss or theft of property during the event. It is the responsibility of any visitor who suffers damage to notify AEE and the police as soon as possible of any loss or theft of property.


Austrian Exhibition Experts GmbH (AEE) reserves the right to change elements of the Code of Conduct and to make interpretations of the above conditions. Austrian Exhibition Experts GmbH (AEE) also makes final decisions in all disputes, especially those that endanger the safety of fans. AEE reserves the right to take appropriate action in the event of violations of these behavioral guidelines, in particular exclusion from the event, involvement of the authorities and future bans.

I have one more question!
You still have a question about the VIECC® Vienna Comic Con or the VCA® Vienna Challengers Arena? Then contact the VIECC® and VCA® team via email at